TOP-30 Poker Terms for Mastering Poker Language

3 min readAug 15, 2023


Like any specialized field, poker has unique language and jargon that can be intriguing and overwhelming for newcomers. To help players navigate the intricacies of poker terminology, we’ve compiled a comprehensive glossary of standard poker terms.

1. Ante: A small forced bet that all players contribute before the start of a hand.

2. Big Blind: The larger of the two forced bets in Texas Hold’em and Omaha, posted by the player to the left of the small blind.

3. Call: Match the current bet to stay in the hand.

4. Check: Declining to bet when it’s your turn, allowing the action to move to the next player.

5. Flop: In community card games like Texas Hold’em, the flop is the first three cards dealt face-up on the table.

6. Turn: The fourth community card dealt in Texas Hold’em and Omaha.

7. River: The fifth and final community card in Texas Hold’em and Omaha.

8. Bluff: Betting or raising with a weak hand to make opponents fold stronger hands.

9. All-In: Betting all your chips in a single wager.

10. Pot Odds: The ratio of the current size of the pot to the cost of a contemplated call.

11. Outs: The number of cards remaining in the deck that could improve your hand.

12. Flop, Turn, River: The community cards dealt in Texas Hold’em and Omaha.

13. Muck: Discarding your hand without revealing its contents.

14. Fold: Discarding your hand and forfeiting any bets made during the hand.

15. Check-Raise: Checking initially, then raising after opponent bets.

16. Position: A player’s seat at the table to the dealer; positions include early, middle, and late.

17. Small Blind: The smaller of the two forced bets in Texas Hold’em and Omaha, posted by the player to the left of the dealer.

18. Raise: Increasing the size of a previous bet.

19. Showdown: Revealing hands after the final betting round to determine the winner.

20. Nuts: The best possible hand based on the community cards and your hole cards.

21. Tilt: Playing recklessly due to frustration or emotional reactions.

22. Bad Beat: Losing a hand despite having the best hand initially.

23. Buy-In: The money required to join a poker game.

24. Chip Stack: The number of chips a player has on the table.

25. Pot: The total amount of money bet in a hand.

26. Raise Blind: Raise without looking at your hole cards.

27. Drawing Dead: Trying to complete a hand that, even if successful, would still lose to an opponent’s hand.

28. Suited Connectors: Consecutive cards of the same suit, e.g., 8 and 9 of hearts.

29. House Rules: A particular poker game or casino rules.

30. Royal Flush: The best possible hand, consisting of A, K, Q, J, 10, all of the same suit.

By familiarizing yourself with these standard poker terms, you’ll be better equipped to understand and communicate effectively at the poker table.




Written by PokerDAO

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